Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Your memory.

The wind, a messenger carrying with it the sweet scent of your love.
Bringing me happiness at first followed by the stingfull pain
of loneliness.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Heres my compare and con trace rough-draft.

Jeremiah Humphrey
October 17, 2009
English 1101
Ms. Aiken
How do country and city people have fun.

The majority of Americans can be placed into two categories. One category is made up of those who dwell in the city and the other category consists of people dwelling in the country. It does not matter whether they sleep under the twinkling stars or the glow of a streetlight they both enjoy their leisure time. Some may spend it in different ways but some are very similar.
Both city dwellers and country dwellers enjoy a cup of coffee as they read their daily news. People love to grill out, whether it is in their drive way or next to a barn. A bike ride is fun both on the side walk or a wood path. Both groups have hobbies such as model building, reading, or surfing the internet. Who doesn’t fill that play full itch as a board game is brought out. Even though the music may be different people all over the place listen to the radio. Every one eats pop corn as they watch a scary movie, curled up on the couch. Gardens, though the size may be different are used to brighten anyone’s day. A nap is welcome by both the office worker and the farm hand after a hard day’s work.

There are some setbacks to living in the country. It’s not very convenient trying to go bowling and it’s impossible to order out. City dwellers are close to where everything seems to happen. Some hang out at the movies or mall with their friends. The museums and zoos are nice treat when living in the city. There isn’t many places in the country you can skate board and roller blade, but the city has skating rinks, parking lots and sidewalks or you can draw on them with chalk. The tanning bed or gym is a not so distant retreat.

Those that live in the country get to partake on their own kind of fun, like camping by the pond, listening to the crackle of the fire. It’s hard to go hunting in the city but in the country you got your back yard to go. Country dwellers get to go mud bogging, four wheel driving and dirt bike riding. Bird watching and Horseback riding is also some common fun. Astronomers love how clear the air is in the country sky. Out in the country people enjoy hiking, kayaking, rock climbing and cur plunking. For those that like something less intense there’s all ways a hay ride.

There are many fun activities that city and country dwellers can both share, like walking their dog or flying a kite. There’s certain perks that come with residing at either one. Like the peace and quiet to practice a instrument that the country provides. In the city people can enjoy a night of fine dinning. It doesn’t matter where someone lives their sure to have fun, just for certain activities it depends on where that person resides from.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

What i thought about writing essay #2

during the rough draft i just wrote what i knew about global warming. during the essay i had to actually look up info about the green houses gases and their side effects. writing the essay wasn't really hard, just the time it took to look up the correct info was difficult and aggravating. all in all it was fun.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Rough Draft

Jeremiah Humphrey
September 24, 2009
English 1101
Mrs. Sharon Akien
Rough Draft
Every Consumer Can Change the World
Life’s existence is in a time of crisis, earth's poles are melting, and the oceans are heating up causing their current’s to change unpredictably. This unpredictable shift in the ocean’s currents is making weather predictions more inaccurate each year. Coral reefs, the home of a significant amount of the ocean‘s life are beginning to disappear at a startling rate. Fewer polar bears are surviving to the age of maturity and breeding has decreased to the point of near extinction. Rare heat waves strike countries around the world, England as an example, temperatures reached into the nineties. These rare heat waves took the lives of innocent children and the elderly. Mountain tops from across the globe, from which man derives fresh drinking water, are beginning to melt. These and many more travesties can be avoided by you the consumer, by making a conscience effort to think green.
Mankind can help lower damages from green house warming by switching from poisonous fossil fuels that cause acid rain in large populated areas, to clean wind and/or nuclear power. Both are of which are reusable. Carbon admissions could be lowered easily if consumers bought battery-powered vehicles, installed earth-friendly solar panels to run their homes. Consumers should buy products imported from countries that abide by global warming standards, which would force countries striving for economic power to consider the effects of global warming.
Consumers should buy one hundred percent recyclable products. Buying these products will lead to less garbage. Garbage dumps over time become compressed with excessive amounts of trash. This amount of trash is leading to the release of methane gas into the atmosphere helping to fuel green house warming.
A consumer, who does not buy wisely, will only contribute to the future extension of all life on earth. Buying wisely is difficult and confusing, but if the consumer demands access to the examples above such as the ability to buy power from clean renewable energy, those resources will become just as mundane and normal as mankind’s addiction to oil.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

"My Favorite Place."

Jeremiah, Humphrey

English 1101

Mrs. Sharon Aiken

“My Favorite Place.”

       Every one has a favorite place they love to go. Whether it’s snuggled up in your bed, happy and warm or swimming in a pool perhaps, the chilled water pleasing to your skin. I am unable to narrow my favorite place down to a single location if I did it would no longer be my favorite place. I find myself happy when left to my thoughts and imagination. You see my favorite place lye’s somewhere deep with in my mind.

       When I’m there, no matter what’s going on in reality I’m still in control. The world of Creativity is left for me to unfold. At one moment I’m setting at home, bored, just another rainy day when, suddenly I’m crashing through a thick jungle, Foliage smacking in my face.  Umpa the giant elephant on which I ride, screech’s like only a war elephant could. In my mind I smile because I am bored no more. Maybe I’d rather travel the galaxy. No biggie, with a blink of thought I’m a captain of a space ship on a far away scientific expedition so close to a nearby star that intense heat from the radiation causes sweet to bead on my fore head. The anticipation of my next discovery keeps my palms clammy and cold. You see in my mind is where I love to go.

        On the hottest of day’s I have but to sip a class of iced tea, sending me jumping to a snowball fight I had many years ago. An old friend throwing clumps of stinging white straight at my face still sticks fresh in my mind. Maybe a nearly forgotten memory of delicious stake on the Fourth of July week end, causing drool to drip from your lips.  When I’m stressed or thrown into a difficult situation I send myself back to a time when I thought something else was also a daunting feet, but still I pulled through.  When things seem sad and abused I picture happy times like the smell of pop corn and cotton candy from the  fair, childhood excitement I must subdue.

        Whether it is from the need for creativity or the mindset needed for difficult times I go to my favorite place, my brain. A place where I v been everywhere once and nowhere twice. It’s a big place and a small place and place where I fill safe. A place where the coco’s always rich attracting to the taste. It’s where I know I can all ways be me, that is why my mind is my favorite place to go.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

What I expect from my English 1101 class and what I plan to accomplish from taking the class.

I expect to be exposed to information that I have yet to learn. Hopefully English 1101 well help me to understand writing in a more creative form. I also expect English 1101 to open up new views on what it is to be a writer. What I hope to accomplish from attending this class, is to gain the skills and understanding needed to be an Author.